Farm Update April 23, 2016

The blackberry bushes are now blooming. We finished the trellising of the canes yesterday. A little blood was spilled due to interaction with the thorns, but that is the deal with blackberries – you have to bleed a little to get the delicious reward. The new canes are known as primacanes and the 2-year-old canes are the floracanes; these are the ones that bloom and produce the berries.

The potato plants are poking up through the soil. Soon we will be hilling them for the first time and in a couple months we will be harvesting new potatoes.

We are seeking summer helpers. If you are interested in helping on harvest days (primarily Tuesdays and Saturdays) or if you know of anyone who might be interested, please email or pass along my email. We are also looking for at least two more people to work this summer in exchange for room and board. If you know anyone who is interested, please have them contact me. Thanks!

We are continuing the sign-up for the late spring/summer CSA share program. It will consist of 16 weeks of deliveries to the markets starting the third week. of May and continuing into September. The cost will be $250. We will have the signup forms at our farm stands and available online. Please let us know if you’d like to reserve a spot or if you have any friends/coworkers/neighbors who are interested.IMG_0315 copy

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Farm Update April 2, 2016

So… it is spring, but it didn’t feel like it this morning when I stepped out into the 30 degree air. The farm looks like spring, though. The blackberries are getting pretty leafed out, the pomegranate trees are greening up, and there are lots of flowers everywhere with bees buzzing around them.

We are in the middle of the spring planting season; yesterday we transplanted our plum tomato seedlings into larger pots and we will be doing that with the chiles and peppers later today. Early next week the Colorado Rose seed potatoes go into the ground. We will also soon be planting green bean, squash, cucumber, jicama and many other types of seeds.

Another harbinger of spring on the farm is the round-tailed ground squirrels; they are out of hibernation and darting from burrow to burrow. So far none have been seen in the field, although they will likely be getting in soon. We maintain a cleared 10-foot no-squirrel zone around the field. There is also a chickenwire fence around the field and a 3-foot-deep rock-filled trench. No squirrels have tunneled under the fence. They get in by scaling the fence. We have had help with the squirrel problem lately by a pair of roadrunners who are amazing rodent predators. We have a little agroecosystem going out here and it seems to be working. As soon as the snakes are active, they also help with the rodent control.

This week we will start the sign-up for the late spring/summer CSA. It will consist of 16 weeks of deliveries to the markets starting the third week of May and continuing into September. The cost will be $250. We will have the signup forms at our farm stands and available online. Please let us know if you’d like to reserve a spot.

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Goat manure composting
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Blackberry bushes
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Composting operation

Farm Update March 19, 2016

We are pretty excited to announce that we are now supplying produce to AgustÌn Kitchen; we made the first delivery this week ! So if you would like to taste some of our ingredients in a prepared form you can now sample them there in addition to Proper and The Coronet.

We will grow Colorado Rose potatoes again this season. They worked very well for us last year and we are looking forward to some delicious spuds in a couple months or so. We are preparing two beds for planting potatoes ñ twice as much bed space as last year.

The blackberry bushes are greening up ! This year we should have a fairly large harvest – last year’s harvest was 38 pounds and we are hoping for about 100 pounds this year. That’s enough for a lot of cobbler !

Our late spring/summer CSA deliveries will begin in mid-May and run through mid-September. We will start signing up shareholders in about 2 weeks. Additional CSA information will be forthcoming in the newsletter.

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French red shallots
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