Farm Update September 9, 2017

We are slowly getting the weeds under control, with help from our volunteers John and Chris. Once the weeds are gone, the grasshopper plague should be more manageable.

We are harvesting a bumper crop of tomatoes, over 400 pounds per week. If you or any friends are interested in making and/or canning some tasty tomato sauce, please let us know and we will sell you tomatoes in bulk for a great price.

Our chile plants are now producing nicely. We have sinajuisa (similar to a serrano, but better flavor), jalapeños, poblanos and Aleppo. All of these will be at the market on Sunday.

Our late summer succession of summer squash is also cranking. We will have zucchini and patty pan at the market again starting this weekend.

We will be selling CSA shares for our fall & winter CSA season that will start on November 12 and continue until mid-March. The forms will be available at the Sunday market, and in the CSA box on the right sidebar of this website, and here.

We will see you at the market!

a pomegranate (var. Parfianka) from our mini-orchard
tomato vines loaded with fruit


Farm Update August 12, 2017

Oh yes, it is still summer; the temperatures won’t let us forget that even though we had many days of sub triple-digit highs before this past week. It is nice to have the precipitation back. We had a decent rain out here yesterday and it is clouding up quickly this afternoon, so maybe we’ll get another bit of rain later today.

As has been the case the last few weeks, our Suyo Long cucumber production is amazing. We are now harvesting more than 100 pounds every other day. If you are interested in some for pickling, let us know by noon on Saturday and we will be happy to provide them in bulk (20# minimum) at a significantly lower price than we sell them at the market.

SouthWinds Farm has been invited to participate in the Hacienda del Sol Heritage Foods Festival, to be held in the evening on Sunday, September 3. If you are interested in more information about this event, stop by our farm stand and pick up a flyer or visit

We will see you at the market!

new bed of lettuce mix
weeds trying to take over the middle terrace

Farm Update August 13, 2016

Our greens production is back up – not back to normal amounts, but there is enough for our CSA shareholders , some for the markets and a bit for our restaurant customers. We hope to have greens continuously from now on.

The other thing that is up is the weeds. WOW are they ever cranking. We are not keeping up with clearing them out, but we work on it some every day.

We received some good news from the NRCS and USDA this morning – our grant application for a high tunnel received final approval. The funds were obligated in the spring, but it has taken awhile to get the approval for engineering aspects of the project. A high tunnel is a greenhouse structure. Ours will be 30 feet wide by 150 feet long. This will allow us to extend our growing seasons and increase production. Our plan is to use it as a greenhouse in the winter and as a shade structure in the summer. We hope to construct the high tunnel this fall before the weather turns cold. We will host some weekend and weekday work sessions. If you are interested in helping with the construction, please let us know. We will also keep you informed as our construction planning proceeds.

IMG_0659_saladmix copy
Salad mix
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IMG_0661_theweeds copy
The WEEDS !!