Farm Update Janurary 28, 2017

The next few Saturdays (starting 28Jan) we will be completing the construction of our high tunnel greenhouse. We will start around 8a and work until around 4p. If you are interested in volunteering with the construction, please let me know.

It has been a week of chilly mornings – lows in the low 20s and one morning in the high teens. Consequently the plants are growing slowly and we won’t have any salad mix at the markets this week. We have two beds growing, though, and if we get the predicted warm weather next week, we should have plenty to sell in a week or two.

All week there has been a friendly roadrunner hanging around the farm. It will come up quite close to us if we hold still long enough.

Our first succession of broccoli plants all have heads now, as is the cauliflower and broccoli raab; we should have these at the markets. The parsnips are finally getting decent-sized roots. These were planted in September and take about 120 days to mature. We are really excited to have these available – looks like about 2 weeks until the first ones are large enough to harvest.

Thanks again supporting sustainable agriculture in southeastern AZ !

napa cabbage
hakurei turnips

Farm Update January 14, 2017

We are harvesting rapidly this morning, trying to stay ahead of the rain predicted to start this afternoon. I hope the rain doesn’t keep our customers away from the farmers’ market. We will be there!

On Thursday we planted many Iitoi’s onion bulbs, so you should be seeing them in the markets in a couple months. We haven’t had them in awhile, so I will be excited to have them available again.

We are seeing a lot of javalina activity at the farm. It started about a month ago and has been increasing. They can’t get into our field because it is fenced, but they have been visiting every night and last night they knocked over one trash barrel and scattered trash everywhere. It is definitely time for a more secure trash can.

next succession of hakurei almost ready
broccoli starting to form heads
red russian kale

Farm Update November 12, 2016

This season you will see some new and interesting crops/varieties that we are excited to grow for you. Parsnips and rutabagas are two new root crops that will be ready in a few months. We will also have broccoli raab and Romanesco cauliflower this season.

At the markets this week we will have a mix of summer and fall/winter vegetables. The transition from summer to fall/winter crops will depend on when the first freeze hits. The average first freeze in this part of the San Pedro Valley is Halloween, so it could come at any time now. The last two years it occurred on November 2. We have had a warm fall, so it might be a week or two before the cold takes our our remaining summer crops. The cool weather is already shutting down some of them – the chiles and peppers are nearly done; the okra plants will come out of the bed today; the tomatoes are really slowing down; the cucumbers are done for the season.

The Hakurei turnips and the radishes were the first of our cool-season vegetables to be harvested. Soon to follow are the carrots and  beets. We will harvest the butternut squash sometime within the next few weeks.

Thank you for supporting local, organic, sustainable agriculture.

sweet potatoes

Farm Update November 5, 2016

We are finally feeling some cool fall temperatures in the early morning. The afternoons the last few days have yielded some very pleasant working conditions.

Our fall crops are growing nicely in these conditions. As you can see in the image, the Hakurei turnips are ready for harvesting. We will have them in the markets for months now.

The spinach seedlings are up; our hardworking interns thinned them yesterday afternoon. The parsnips and rutabaga plants have sprouted; we completed the thinning and infill planting yesterday as well. The carrots have some very small, pale and thin roots starting to develop. The largest beet tops are about 8in tall and some of the beetroots are at the baby size.

Seasonality is also taking away some of the tastes we have been enjoying as the summer crops slowly fade. There will be no more of the Suyo Long Cucumbers that we have been eating for months. We’ll see them again next summer. The chiles are finally slowing down, too.

We will have the Tohono O’Odham yellow watermelons for awhile, though. When the frosts come, we will do a salvage harvest and keep the ripe ones until they sell out. The okra plants are still cranking, as are the sweet peppers, tomatoes, eggplant and mousemelons.

I hope the frost holds off a little while longer, although I won’t be sad to see the end of the grasshoppers, harlequin bugs and cucumber beetles after the first few hard freezes. The last two years the first hard freeze happened on November 2 and then it was warm for a few more weeks.

We have room for a few more CSA shareholders. If you would like to sign up for the next season, we will continue taking payments/reservations for our 16-week fall/winter CSA share program, deliveries for which will begin the middle of November and run through the middle of March 2017. Shares will cost $250 for 16 weekly deliveries.

We will have the forms at the markets this weekend, and they are also available on our website, here.

hakurei turnips
napa cabbage